Fraternal Greetings!!!
Welcome to the 35th PMAAI Annual Convention. First of all I would like to thank the Acacia Craftsmen Chapter for hosting this event especially to WB Ernie Marzo and Bro. Hector Cruz.
It’s been a year since the new set of officers was installed. The first agenda of our organization for this year is the Strategic Planning. Thank you to the Committee Chairman MW Bro. Chibu Uson for spearheading the program. It is in this committee where we plan and envision our prestigious organization to be in the next five to ten years. The Strategic Planning Team consisting of the Chairman, President, EVP, 1st VP, Area Vice Presidents, Secretary and Trustees after several meetings was able to formulate the Vision and Mission of PMAAI.
Vision Statement: We are a global organization of chapters of family-oriented Master Masons of Filipino Heritage committed to membership development and charity.
3-Fold Mission Statement: 1) To promote fellowship and camaraderie among Brothers, Sisters and Family 2) To help chapters be successful in achieving their goals and 3) To undertake civic-oriented projects.
We were able to set the Goals and the corresponding Action Plans that need to be carried out in the next few months and succeeding years. The committee also put together PMAAI Frequently Ask Questions for our prospective Chapters and members. The Member-at-Large Application Form is now ready for distribution.
We tried to reached out to all the Past Presidents of PMAAI to pick their brain and share their wisdom with us on how to convince or persuade the new and old masonic clubs throughout the US and Canada to join us. They will be invited every now and then to join us on our regular Tele-Conference.
PMAAI is committed in pursuing the Scholarship Program; we will have a new scholar for the upcoming school year. The institutionalized Outreach Program of our organization to the Philippines such as the Artesian Wells and Feeding the Street Children will get its usual funding.
Mark your calender: PMAAI Convention in the Philippines is on April 17-19, 2020 a week before the GLP 2020 Ancom will be at Diamond Hotel. We invited the incoming Grand Master of the Philippines.
Food for thought, Remember who you are….. You and I are masons….. we must act and talk like one.
Mabuhay ang PMAAI at Mabuhay ang Masonerya.
Fraternally and Sincerely,
WB Eloy Cordon
PMAAI President